After the experiences I have had, I truly believe in this quote straight out of the scriptures … “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much” … one of my favourite quotes.
I remember coming out of University with a decent grade, upper seconds, and thinking “okay, not too bad to quickly get a good job in line with what I had studied at the University especially with having previous work experience” right? But, alas, it was not forthcoming. When I finally did get a job, it was not in line with what I had studied at university or desired. In fact, I believed I could easily have gotten the job without having attended university.
However, I worked the job! And within a short period, I got another job (in line with my degree) based on the industry experience I had gained from the job I believed to beneath my experience. However, while on the new job, as a result of a merger and acquisition, I was one of the casualties that was let go. And this began my lesson learnt over 13 years ago, that job security does not exist, but hey, that is a story for another day. So my hunt began for another job, during which I was invited to an interview for a job that would pay me beyond my wildest dreams just coming out of university less than two years.
I attended the interview with my mind set on extolling the experience gained in the last job and other similar jobs I’d had in the past that I felt the interviewer would be interested in hearing about – except of course the ‘seemingly insignificant’ role I got straight out of university. But guess what the interviewer was more interested in learning about, and what had attracted them to my resume? It was the job that seemed insignificant to me! And thanks to God, I got the Job based on the experience gained from that job.
You may currently find yourself in a situation or position you feel is beneath you, but I suggest you strive to have the right attitude towards it, and view it as a temporary situation that is able to take you to the next level. You may be unaware of who is observing you, it could be your future boss or someone in a position to refer. Neither do you know what the experience may be preparing you for, it could be the launching pad of an unbelievable future. If you are unable to appreciate the little and treat it with respect, how can you be trusted to be faithful in more!