Five Lessons on Organizational Change From The Covid-19 Pandemic

by Yvonne Ruke Akpoveta

The Covid-19 Pandemic has brought about many changes, some of which are positive. We’ve become more aware of work life balance, and many organizations have adopted flexible work hours, work from home, and kids in the “boardroom zoom calls”.

Ever wonder why some organizations are thriving, while others may be struggling with the pandemic? I recently spoke with Shift Right Consulting on my top 5 lessons for navigating change in the pandemic, and I wanted to share some of the key takeaways with you.

  1. Respond with Agility. Encourage the norms and behaviours that value and reward flexibility and creativity both operationally and personally.
  2. Prioritize Business Readiness. Be sensitive to the business environment and prepare for change in advance of the need to respond to change.
  3. Support your People. Focus on people as the most valuable resources. Acknowledge and support wellness and mental health.
  4. Encourage & Reward Social Consciousness. Ensure you have the values, structures and processes needed to cultivate inclusive workplaces.
  5. Be a Change Leader. Focus on both you and your team’s development as change leaders and change advocates.

Being a Change Leader requires the ability to respond with agility to the unprecedented changes; the need to demonstrate empathy and emotional intelligence to support staff and colleagues with work from home initiatives and their mental well-being; and having open and productive communication.

Change Leadership competencies have been critical for successfully leading and managing change in these unprecedented times, and will continue to be critical in today’s fast paced and continually disruptive times.